Appeal with appeal

Need assistance getting your fundraising appeal to its destination?

We offer special packages designed to get your annual fundraising mailings, seasonal mailings, and membership campaigns in front of your donors.
With proper personalization and organized design management, your project will be completed
before you know it!

  • Design concepts
  • Personalized content
  • Printing and inserting
  • Postal services and postal requirements provided
  • Postal one tracking with receipt of delivery

Greet your targeted audience with a professional presentation they cannot resist opening and make giving easier for your donors.

Customize packages to create segments within a single appeal with letter variations, gift amounts, and even imagery. Every recipient can get a personal message to tell your story
and the importance of donating to
your organization.

These packages give you everything you need for a successful campaign. You focus on the message and donor relationships, and we take
care of the rest.   

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